Monday, December 3, 2018

Traffic Jams

There have to be few things in the world that rank above traffic jams as the worst things to deal with. I hate having to sit in traffic and it looks like that is going to be my lot in life for at least the next 18 months. My main route to work has been shut down for road work, serious road work, like tear up the whole road and redesign it kind of road work.

Because of this road work, hundreds if not thousands of people have to find new routes to work and it makes things a mess. All of these detours are causing traffic jams all throughout the city. Everyone just ends up sitting bumper to bumper waiting. Have I said that I hate waiting in traffic jams?

I have taken multiple detours trying to find a route that causes me the least amount of pain. My choices are either take the highway with everyone else and just sit and wait until we move or take the backroads through the city and hit a couple of dozen stoplights. I have been taking the backroads and find it the safest route even though it might not be the fastest.

Has God ever thrown traffic jams in your life?  Things that seem to get in the way of where you want to get to?  They always seem to come up just when you think everything is going along smoothly, then all of a sudden BAM!  It ends up being a total shock to the system.

Maybe the detours come in the form of a divorce, or health issues or the loss of a job. All things that can really throw you for a loop and feel like a major traffic jam in your life. You know - things that cause life to all of a sudden come to a drastic stop. How do we deal with these things as Christians when they happen?

We keep moving forward no matter how slow the pace may be. We have a destination that God is leading us to and our job is to trust him and just keep moving forward. There may be detours he wants us to travel because the original road may have been leading towards something dangerous. Trust Him because He sees things well ahead of what we do. He is not limited by time like we are, He sees all things throughout time.

Traffic jams while driving, just like traffic jams in life, can be frustrating and test our patience, but we just need to remember that reaching our destination safely is more important than reaching it quickly.

Have a great day and God bless.

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