Sunday, December 30, 2018

Rejection Hurts

Rejection hurts!  It is something all of us deal with throughout our lives, some are rejected more than others, but we have all faced rejection. We may be rejected as children by our parents because we are unwanted. Or maybe we are rejected from sports teams because we are not athletic enough. We face rejection from the opposite sex as we grow up and want to start dating. Colleges reject us because we aren’t intelligent enough to meet their requirements. Or we may face rejection from employers because we don’t have enough experience. Whatever the situation, we all face rejection.

Most of us are strong enough to face rejection and move on in life, whether it is finding a new hobby, a new relationship or a new job. We make it and still thrive in whatever new endeavors we move on to.

However, there is a future date in everyone’s life where if you are rejected there is no further opportunity. The Bible tells us that we will all stand before God one day and give an account of our lives. Those that accepted Christ’s saving actions on the Cross will be accepted because of their position in Christ. But there is going to be another group that didn’t accept Christ’s free gift of salvation and they will be rejected. They will here the most horrible five words spoken in the Bible, “Depart, I never knew you.”

That final rejection seals their eternal destiny in a place called hell. A place created for Satan and his demons and not for man. People will ask, how could a loving God send people to hell?  God doesn’t send anyone to hell but the devil and his demons, everyone else chooses to go there by not accepting Christ as their Savior here on earth. That decision needs to be made now because you won’t get that opportunity when you stand before God, your fate will have already been sealed. I pray you bow your knee and confess Jesus Christ as your Savior now because you will either do it know on your own or you will do it before Him later, but it will be too late.

Have a great day and God bless.

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