Sunday, December 2, 2018


I miss fishing when I was younger. My godfather Chris used to take me fishing all the time when I was a kid. He would take me to different locations and we would spend the day together fishing. I may have fished a handful of times since then. I miss it and wonder if I should take it up once again.

I don’t think it’s as much about catching fish (I don’t eat fish), but more about the wonderful time spent with others that you take fishing, like your children.  To be able to spend a couple of hours just out there by a pond or river with your kids away from the distractions of the television or tablets seems rewarding in itself.

More importantly than catching fish, as Christians we should be fishing for men. Jesus Christ summoned Peter and Andrew away from their profession of fishing to follow Him as disciples. He told them “follow Me and I will make you fishers of men”.  He calls us to do the same thing when we become believers.

Don’t let your argument be that you haven’t been called to the ministry or to the mission field. Your world is your mission field and your life is your ministry. Are you casting your nets in the waters you live in?  First of all, are you casting your nets in your own house?  Are you making sure your family is following Christ?  Second, are you casting your nets at work, where you spend most of your day?  Just like Jesus mentioned that the harvest was ready, so are the fishing holes. People are starving for truth and if you know Christ, you have the truth to give.

Have a great Sunday and God bless.

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