Thursday, December 13, 2018

Black Ice

Black Ice. Probably more dangerous than driving in the snow itself. At least with the snow you can see it. Black ice just comes out of nowhere when you least expect it. The longer we drive in winter conditions, the more wisdom we gain where the black ice might be: around curves, under tree-lined areas and so forth. But sometimes you just aren’t expecting it.

It happened to me this morning driving in to work. Having driven the same route all week, I knew where the tricky spots were going to be, but I got too comfortable with my driving. I was driving along and came to a bridge that had not been icy all week and when I hit that area my truck went almost completely sideways. Luckily there was no one else around me and I was able to quickly get it back under control.

Life happens the same way sometimes. We have an understanding where the tricky spots in our lives are and we take precautions with them, but sometimes we get way too comfortable with life. We just end up going through the motions out of routine and then all of a sudden, what we should have been prepared for and on the lookout for, catches us off guard and sends us spinning. Sometimes we gain control back right away and other times it may send us into the snowbank and needing help from others to get out.

The Bible warns us multiple times to “be ready” and to “be alert”. God wants us to understand that the devil and his demons are going to do anything they can to trip us up. They know that if we fall into some sort of sin that it will ruin our testimony to others. As Christians, we are instructed to always be ready and always be on alert so that we can avoid the dangers and pitfalls that may be in our path.

However, that does not mean we are to live our lives in fear!  The Bible also encourages us to “fear not”!  That phrase, fear not, occurs 365 times in the Bible; one occurrence for every day of the year as a daily reminder that God doesn’t want us to live in fear. Being alert and being fearful are two different thing. The Word of God tells us to be ready but not to be scared.

Keep your eyes out for black ice this winter and keep your eyes out for the “slippery slopes” in your life as well.

Have a great day and God bless.

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