Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Letdown

Oh, the letdown!  The day after Christmas, sometimes starting Christmas evening, is such a letdown. Since Thanksgiving, everything has been geared toward the celebration of Christmas. The shopping started, travel reservations may have been made, deciding what to cook and so on and so on. And then it’s over in a blink of an eye!

Some of us may have had to head back to work today and that made Christmas night all the less enjoyable. Some of us may be heading to the landfill to throw away bags of wrapping paper and loads of Amazon boxes. Even more may be heading back to one of the stores to exchange that gift that makes you wonder if people even know who you are and what you like!

It got me thinking about Mary and Joseph and the day after the birth of the promised Savior. They had all the shepherds show up that first night to welcome the new born King, offering praises and stories of the news from the angels out in the fields. That very first night was an exciting time and then the next day everyone was gone and it was just the three of them. The gift of God had arrived and it was celebrated and now it was back to the normal life, somewhat.

Now that the celebration of Christmas is gone and we head back to our normal lives for another year, we still have reasons to celebrate Christ. Just like Mary and Joseph, life goes on the same as it was, but completely different than it was, because the Savior was born. The Gospel of Luke tells us that Jesus grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him (2:40).

We should strive to do the same: grow spiritually, become stronger in our faith and be filled with wisdom of God’s Word. The results will be that the favor of God will also be upon us. Don’t let today be a letdown, our work has just begun.

Have a great day and God bless.

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