Thursday, December 6, 2018


Be honest: are you a buttinsky?  Well, are you?  Can you not let someone finish their sentence without trying to finish it for them?  What if someone is having a conversation and you aren’t involved, do you have to join in with your thoughts?  If you answered yes to either of those two questions, you are a buttinsky!

I have to admit, sometimes I’m a buttinsky.  My name is Paul, and I’m a buttinsky. That feels good to get that off my chest. You should try it too if you’re a buttinsky. I butt in more than I should sometimes, especially with my wife and I want to publicly apologize for doing that to you baby doll!

What is it about not being able to just be patient and letting the person finish their thought before we have to bust in with an answer or solution?  Why do we feel we have to take part in everybody else’s conversation when we haven’t been invited in?  I think it’s because we want to show other people how much we know about whatever subject is being discussed.

Yesterday I shared my favorite section of Scripture and how it relates to every person that has a past, present and future. I left out the very best part of Ephesians 2 because I wanted to cover it today all by itself.  After the first three verses tell us about how separated from God we were, the start of verse 4 has the two best words in the Bible: BUT GOD!

No matter how evil we have acted and how separated we are from God, He still loves us enough to “butt” into our lives when we are at our farthest from Him. When we are dead in our trespasses and sins, God butts in!  When we follow the course of this world, He butts in!  When we are disobedient and children of wrath, God butts in!

Has God “butted” in to your life yet?  Is there a moment in time where you can say, “God butted in to my life right here and thank God He did?”  God wants to be a buttinsky, but not for the reasons we do, He wants to butt in because He wants your life to be radically changed. Let today be the day He “butts” in.

Have a great day and God bless.

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