Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Turbulence. As you can probably tell, I did some traveling yesterday. About halfway through the flight from Charlotte to Milwaukee, we hit some major turbulence. It must have been some air pockets from a storm below us because we dropped about three times in a matter of fifteen seconds. Big drops too, like cups coming off the tray drops!  Everyone gets a little nervous when something like that happens and they start grabbing onto arm rests and the back of the seats in front of them.

I was watching a movie on my iPad, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. I’ve been on enough flights the past three months that it doesn’t really phase me anymore. Flying into El Paso gets you used to turbulence because of the desert heat below the plane. I’m not saying I like it, I just know to expect it on most flights so I don’t concern myself with it when it happens.

Life provides us with turbulence at times as well. Things seem to be going so smooth and then all of a sudden, boom!  Turbulence!  Things get bumpy for a while or we have sudden drops in life when we thought it was going so smoothly. If we go into life with the expectation that turbulence is going to come, we can handle it better than if we think life will always be a smooth ride. It’s not that we have to like it, we just need to expect it so we aren’t thrown for a loop.

Jesus told His disciples, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." - John 16:33. He told them, and us, that this world is going to give you some turbulence, but that we should have peace because He has overcome this world. Jesus’ three-plus years of ministry was filled with turbulence, but He knew it was coming so He did not concern Himself with it. He knew why He had come into the world: to save the world from their sins. Everything else was just a part of the process; turbulence and all.

Are you going through turbulent times in your life right now?  Take heart and have peace, there is a time when it will be over. Take with you the peace of Christ and hold on to Him.

Have a great day and God bless.

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