Sunday, June 16, 2019

Father’s Day

Father’s Day. This is always one of the hardest days of the year for those of us that have lost our fathers. For those of you that still have your fathers, be thankful for the time you still have with them and that you have the ability to celebrate with them today. This day always reminds me of my father and the things that he had taught me throughout his life.

My dad taught me the meaning of work and providing for your family. He taught me that, as a dad, we have to do whatever we have to in making sure that our family is provided for. In all the things that my dad provided for us, the most important thing he provided was his time. He was always present for everything we did as kids. He was at all of the sporting events, even coaching most of the time, and all of our school events. It never stopped, even with all my traveling for college sports.

My father was loyal to my mother and loyal to his friends. My dad taught me to help those that are in need and whenever you borrow something, you give it back better than you got it. This post would be too long if I listed everything my father taught me. I’m thankful and blessed to have had him as my dad.

I’m a father now, have been for almost 11 years, and I know that at times I fail, but I do my best to do the things that my father taught me with my own children. I have a lot of improvements to make, but I’m trying. If I can become half the day that my father was, I’d be happy.

We have a Heavenly Father that is the greatest example of what true Fatherhood looks like. He is always accessible, He is always providing for us, and He always has our best interests at heart. Do you know Him as your Heavenly Father too?  There is never a better Father than God.

Have a great day and God bless.

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