Thursday, June 13, 2019


Scared. Have you ever been scared to death?  Have you ever scared someone else to death?  I have to admit, I like scaring people. I get a kick out of scaring people and I know for a fact some of you do too, but I won’t mention any names. I remember scaring one of my friends from high school pretty good.

There was this man who built an elaborate labyrinth out of the middle of the woods as a tribute to his son who had died in a car crash when he was a teenager. Why he decided to build a labyrinth, no one knows. What we did know was that it was a painstaking task because it was a brick and mortar labyrinth and not just made of bushes. There were statues and everything inside the labyrinth. The entrance slowly came up out of the ground until it was well above ten feet tall at the center.

Well, as the story goes, we were in the local grocery store and we heard one of our friends planning a trip up to the labyrinth that night with a group of girls in the next aisle over. So we decided to beat them up there and hide within the labyrinth until they got there. We made it there and parked somewhere different so our car didn’t give us away. After about a mile trip into the woods to find it, we were ready for our visitors.

As you can imagine, when we jumped out from inside the labyrinth, our unsuspecting visitors were scared out of their minds. A lot of screaming and running ensued and people were a little upset with us. But everyone got over it and we still laugh about it.

It’s scary to come across things we don’t expect along our path. We probably spend way too much time being scared about things that we create in our own minds that never materialize. The Bible speaks pretty often about the idea of fear, in fact it tells us 365 times to “fear not”. “You came near when I called on you; you said, 'Do not fear!'” - Lamentations 3:57.

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” - 1 John 4:18.

Have a great day and God bless.

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