Friday, June 7, 2019


Disappointment. We all go through it at different stages in life. When we are young we may be disappointed that we didn’t get a lollipop when we asked for it. As teenagers we may be disappointed when someone turns us down when we ask for a date. When we are older we may be disappointed when we don’t get the job or promotion we want or expected.  Disappointment happens in many ways and it happens to all of us.

So how do we move on from disappointment?  We have to remember that our plans for our lives are not always God’s plans for us. The things we desire in our hearts for how our lives should go may not be the best overall direction God has for us. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.” - Isaiah 55:8. There is nothing wrong with having dreams and goals. However, we need to be ready for them to take a back seat to what God has planned for us.

I know some people in my life that are disappointed with how things have gone recently and that’s okay. We need to keep moving forward knowing that God knows best, and even if we are disappointed now, God loves us and will never do us wrong. If you are disappointed today because something you planned didn’t go how you expected it, take heart, God may just have something better for you up ahead.

Have a great day and God bless.

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