Sunday, June 23, 2019

Lost and Found

Lost and found. That random collection of odds and ends that seem to never have a match and never find and owner, only to be discarded in the end. Jewelry, hats, gloves, umbrellas, keys, sunglasses, and on and on. There are lost and found locations at schools, work, churches and even at malls. It’s the place where the collection seems to be always growing and no one ever claims a thing. Are we embarrassed to look in the box and say, “hey, I think that’s mine”?

Whenever I see a lost and found box, it always makes me think of the story of the prodigal son. You probably know that story very well yourself; a young man demands his inheritance from his living father and goes off to another town and blows it all on a wicked lifestyle. When he’s broke and living in a pig pen, he decides to go back and ask forgiveness from his father and be hired as a servant.

He gets home and his awaiting father runs to meet him and throws his arms around his filthy neck and celebrates his return. He calls for his servants to bring the boy a new pair of shoes, his finest robe, his signet ring and to kill the fatted calf because they were having a celebration. This welcome completely surprises the young man.  And then the father says the words that always makes me think of the lost and found box, “‘For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.' And they began to celebrate.” - Luke 15:24.

If we are Christians, that’s our story and that’s how our Heavenly Father sees us. We once were dead in our trespasses and sins and we decide to turn back home. God anxiously awaited our return and when we were still making our way towards Him, He ran to meet us to celebrate our coming to Him. We went from a state of being “lost” to now being “found”.

Have you ever been found, or are you still in the lost box?  Have you ever been claimed by God as being His son or daughter because you claimed the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as your own?  God doesn’t want you to be lost, He wants you to be found. Those items that never get claimed in the lost and found box always end up being discarded. Don’t let that be your eternal fate.

Have a great day and God bless.

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