Monday, June 3, 2019


Planner. Are you a planner or do you just go with the flow?  Do you make to-do lists and stick to them no matter what and if it gets messed up it just ruins your day?  Are you married to your opposite?  Do you make plans and your spouse goes with the flow, or the other way around?  I spend all week at work making timelines and trying to keep the team in line with following them, so when I get home I would rather just go with the flow.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with making plans: short term or long term. I think it is good to make plans about what we want to accomplish for the week and even plans for what we want to accomplish for the next several years.  However, we need to make sure that our plans aren’t so rigid that God can’t use us in ways that He wants to because our plans get in the way. We have to be ready to allow God to direct our paths. “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” - Proverbs 3:6.

Our plans are fine as long as they match up for God’s will for our lives. If we become too attached to our plans, God may have to break us from them in order to use us, just like the potter does the clay. Our only concrete plan should be to use our lives to bring glory and honor to God and to share His message of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

Have a great day and God bless.

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