Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Static. There is nothing worse than when you are traveling long distances and you start to move out of range of the radio station that you are listening to. It happens very slowly, where you start to get a slight static interruption in the music and it cuts in and out. But as you keep getting further and further away, the static increases to the point that you can no longer hear that sweet sounding music that your were just listening to and it’s off to seeking a new station within range.

Sin causes static in our fellowship with God. It also happens slowly, when we allow a sin to fester and not confess it. Soon as more unconfessed sins are added to our lives the static between us and God gets greater. We can no longer hear Him and our prayers to Him are blocked.  As we get further from God the static grows increasingly larger and instead of turning back into range with God, we usually search for another station. It could be relationships, activities or substances to fill in the vacuum left from being out of fellowship with God.

In my live video post with Nathan yesterday, the echo from feed was almost unbearable. All I could here in my earphones was my own voice echoing back to me. That made it extremely hard to speak as I felt I was speaking over myself. It effected my
message and interrupted the flow of the conversation. It was nothing either one of us planned, it just seemed to be a technical issue. That static caused a break in our effectiveness and fellowship.

Our need is to eliminate static (sin) in our lives by keeping in range (fellowship) with the signal (God). We do that by keeping our sins confesses and staying in fellowship. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” - 1 John 1:9. Keeping a clean sheet with God eliminates the static in our conversations between Him and ourselves. It also keeps our relationship with one another in better fellowship. If you feel God is distant in your life, find the static that is causing that interruption in fellowship.

Have a great day and God bless.

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