Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Amazed!  I’ve used that word a time or two to describe events that have happened in my life. I’ve been amazed that my gorgeous wife chose to spend the rest of her life with someone like me. I’ve been amazed that God has blessed me with two beautiful and healthy children.  I’m still amazed that God would chose to save a rotten sinner like me and chose to use me to share His Good News. But God works in amazing and mysterious ways.

That word, “amazed” shows up many times in the four Gospels and it Is always in reference to someone’s reaction to what Jesus had said or done. The crowds were amazed at His miracles, the religious people were amazed at His knowledge and teaching, and it was even said that Pilate was amazed with Christ when he questioned Him.

It’s not hard to believe that people were amazed with Jesus Christ when they encountered Him. However, there is one place in the Gospels where the tables were turned and Jesus was the one that was amazed. “And He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them.  And He was amazed because of their unbelief.” - Mark 6:5-6a.

He was in His own hometown of Nazareth and the people would not believe in Him. Because of their unbelief, He could not do any mighty works there. These were people that knew Him, had heard of His miracles and still would not believe. If those who physically had the opportunity to see and hear him would not believe, why are we amazed that this generation will not believe?

Just like I wrote about yesterday, we are to continue to share the message of Jesus Christ, but we should not be amazed when that message is rejected. Our Lord and Savior was rejected in His own hometown and it left Him amazed.

Have a great day and God bless.

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