Monday, May 20, 2019


Mailman. I grew up the son of a mailman. We moved back to New York from North Carolina when I was in the third grade because my dad got a job with the post office back home. My dad loved being a mailman. He loved meeting and talking to all the people on his route. He would carry dog treats with him for all the dogs along the way. He loved to just deliver the mail to people.

Christ asks us to do the same thing. He asks us to deliver the Good News of the Gospel. He asks us to love being the “mailman”. He asks us to love on, and talk to, the people along our route called life. He asks us to be His hands and feet.

What he doesn’t require us to do is make sure that the mail is received. We are not responsible for whether or not the receiver accepts the message, just like my father was not responsible for whether or not they paid  their bills. He just asks us to deliver the message. After that, we have to let the Holy Spirit work from there. We cannot “save” anyone, we can only make Him known.

How much of our own mail do we throw away when we get it because we feels it’s just junk mail. We will come across people that we share the message of Christ with, that will feel it’s just junk, however, we are to still deliver the message. We never know if the Holy Spirit has been working beforehand when we share the News. It may just be that they have thrown the message away dozen of times before because they thought it was “junk”, but something happened in their lives and they are ready to receive the Gospel.

Continue to be God’s mailman. Continue to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. You never know when the Holy Spirit has already prepared the path for you to share the Gospel. “And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.’” - Mark 16:15-16.

Have a great day and God bless.

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