Monday, May 13, 2019


Squad. You know, that small group of close friends that has been given the term “my squad”. I heard recently that the older we get the less friends we make. Studies show that as we age we make less friends and it may be at least five years since you made a new friend. We all have acquaintances, people we work with, people we say hi to at church and even thousands of them on social media, but our “squad” usually consists of less than five people.

By “squad”, I mean those few people that if something went wrong in your life, they would be the ones you reach out to for support, not including your family. The small group that you feel free to stop by their house uninvited or that they stop by yours. The friends you don’t mind spending hours of just one-on-one time with, that’s your “squad”. It’s okay if you are thinking to yourself right now who your “squad” is and it’s okay if the number is greater or less than five.

Jesus had his own “squad” so to speak. He had the multitudes that followed him from town to town looking for miracles but they would be more like His Facebook followers nowadays, not really part of the “squad”. Then He had His twelve disciples that He was much closer to than the multitudes, but even they wouldn’t be termed as His “squad”.

Jesus had a very small group that He opened Himself up to more than any others in the group of twelve. His “squad” consisted of three: Peter, James and John. Those three men were the ones that Jesus usually separated from the crowd to give them insight to the deep things of God. And out of the three, John says he was the one that Jesus loved.

It’s okay to have acquaintances, and it’s ok to have friends, but it’s important that we have a “squad”, a group that we share life with, the good and the bad. We need that small group of people that we can lean on in times of trouble and that we can truly show our hearts to without fear of being judged. Do you have a “squad” or are you part of a “squad”?  It’s important spiritually to have one, Jesus did.

Have a great day and God bless.

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