Thursday, May 2, 2019

I Don’t Know

I don’t know. It’s okay for that to be the answer sometimes when we are asked questions that we don’t know the answer to, especially as Christians. I don’t know why the horrible things that happened on the campus of UNCC took place. I don’t know why evil things happen in this world. I don’t know why some people were allowed to survive and some were not. It’s okay to not have all the answers!  Sometimes trying to explain what your opinion is only makes it worse.

Evil does exist in this world and it will continue to do so. Times like these make people question why God allows evil to exist. They ask that if He really exists, why doesn’t He just stop all evil things from happening. It’s not a question that has an easy answer, but it does have an answer. Evil exists because of our rebellious nature and evil hearts.

God create the angels and humans with a free will, a will to choose how we act and what we decide to do. God did not create robots that were automatically programmed to do exactly how they are instructed. Instead, He made the angels and mankind with the opportunity to choose to love and follow Him. Our free will allows us the opportunity to rebel or to submit. Evil exists because of man’s nature to want to rebel.

Even some of the angels, who have always been in the presence of God since they were created, chose to rebel against God and were cast out of heaven. If they were in the presence of God and still chose to rebel, how much more likely is man to rebel who have not been in His presence?  “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? “ - Jeremiah 17:9.

I don’t know why God allows certain things to happen in this world that we deem as evil. To deem something as “evil” means we must understand that there is a standard in which we judge evilness. God’s Word is that standard. What I do know is this; even though evil things happen, God is still good!  People want to blame God for the evil deeds of man. When I do things that are deemed evil, it’s not the fault of God, it’s because of the wickedness that resides within me. God is good, all the time.

Have a great day and God bless.

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