Sunday, April 14, 2019


Pardon. We hear that word a lot at the end of a president’s term in office. They will use their power to pardon certain individuals that may have been targeted for political reason or possibly have been innocent all along. Most of the time the pardon is given because of some relationship the person has with the president. Pardon removes all guilt of the person being pardoned. Christ does the same for us.

The second phrase that Christ spoke while on the Cross dealt with pardon. The first one that He spoke was a prayer to His Father asking for forgiveness of all of us. Today’s phrase deals with the pardon of one particular person; the thief on the other cross. Jesus wasn’t crucified alone, there was a criminal crucified one either side of Him. While He was crucified for the sins of others, the two criminals were being crucified for their own crimes.

As one criminal mocked Christ and taunted Him that if He was God, to get off the Cross Himself and get him down too. The other criminal showed awe and reverence for who He knew was the Messiah. He asked Jesus to remember him when He got to paradise. With that, Jesus spoke His second saying from the Cross, “And he said to him, ‘Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.’” - Luke 23:43.

Jesus pardoned the sins of the criminal that truly seeked His forgiveness. The criminal never got his life together before that day, never went to church, wasn’t a good person, didn’t give to charities, and never got baptized. He just confessed his need for a Savior and Christ saved him that day, within hours of his death.

Jesus wants to pardon you too. You don’t need to get your life together first, He’ll meet you right where you are. Then, just like the thief was promised, one day you will be with Him in paradise. Let today be your day. Ask Him to save you from the punishment of your sins. He’s already paid it all.

Have a great day and God bless.

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