Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Fatherhood. I don’t know if there is a better word in the English language. I never knew how much being a father would change me. My first child made me a father and my second one made it even better. I was worried about something though when we found out we were having another child so many years after having the first one.

Would my love for my first little girl, Christina, be divided when our little guy, Timothy, came along. That was my biggest fear. For almost eight years all my love for my daughter was all her’s and now I had a second one coming and I was afraid that my love for her would be taken, to some extent, and given to my son. But you know what, my love was not divided, it was multiplied.

The love I had for my daughter stayed exactly the same as it had before the birth of my son and he received his own amount of love that I didn’t know I had inside me. I look at them now, three years later, and I can still say that both of them have 100% of my love. This multiplying of love made me think of God.

Every time someone becomes a new believer and accepts Christ as their Savior, God’s love is multiplied. He doesn’t love those that have been Christians for many years any less than He ever did just because someone else is now His child. His love multiplies, just like mine did for my own children.

Every day my children make be proud to be called their father. Yesterday Christina gave a big presentation at her homeschool group on the life of Ester. This is way out of her comfort zone and my wife said she knocked it out of the park. Timothy (because every Paul must have a Timothy) is learning his days of the week and months of the year and he impresses me every day in how much he is learning. Him and Jen pray together every night before bed and it makes my heart bust with joy. I’m the most blessed father in earth (a little bias there!).

Have a great day and God bless.

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