Thursday, April 11, 2019


Birthday. Well, today officially marks my 47th trip around the sun. My dad used to always say we only had one birthday and all the rest were just the anniversaries of our births. He was right in a way. When I think about birthdays, I think about the fact that I had nothing to do with it. I didn’t decide who my parents were going to be, or at what point in history I was going to be born, or in which country and I didn’t decide on my race or gender. All of those things were decided by God.

Even though I didn’t get to have a say in my physical birth, I do have a say in my spiritual birth. It easy to see that we have all had a physical birth, you wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t, but a spiritual birth is not as easily recognizable. The idea of a spiritual birth can be very confusing, so much so, that even the most educated have a hard time understanding it. Nicodemus is a great example.

In the Gospel of John, chapter 3, we have the story of the exchange between Jesus and Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. He knew that Jesus was from God and Jesus agreed with this statement. Jesus then told Nicodemus that in order to see the kingdom of God, a person must be born again. This statement completely confused Nicodemus. He asked how someone that is old, like himself, be born again. Was he supposed to climb back in his mother’s womb once more?

Jesus’ answer was that a person has to be born of both water (physical) and of the Spirit (spiritual) to enter into the kingdom of God. According to Christ, we need to experience two “birth” in order to get into heaven. The first birth, physical, we have no control over, but the second birth, spiritual, we have the option to choose to put our faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ or not to.

Just as the Bible speaks of two births, it also speaks of two deaths. The first is a physical death that everyone that had a physical birth will experience. The second death is a spiritual one. Those who face a second death are those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Those who have, will not experience a second death. So, if your only born once (physical) you will die twice (physical/spiritual). If you were born twice (physical/spiritual) you will only die once (physical).

As I celebrate my physical birth today, I am more thankful for my spiritual birth, knowing I will only die once. Have you experienced two births or are you headed towards two deaths?  I hope you choose two births, you will never regret it.

Have a great day and God bless.

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