Monday, April 8, 2019

Jigsaw Puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles. I love putting together jigsaw puzzles. My love for them comes from my grandmother. She used to have them when I was a kid and I remember going to her house and spending hours sitting at the card table next to the window putting puzzles together with her. She used to be very meticulous in how she laid out all the pieces. I do the same thing now.

Where I work always has a jigsaw puzzle laid out for anyone to work on as just a break from work. I work on them now and again and it brings back such wonderful memories. The last puzzle that was out for us to put together was made more difficult because one of the guys decided we would put it together without the use of the box as our guide. It was much more challenging, but a fun way to put together a puzzle once in a while.

Life is like that too. We don’t get to see the box of the finished picture as we go through this puzzle of a life. We only see brief pieces that somehow fit together to form the entire picture. Sometimes that one piece is missing that keeps us from understanding what that little moment in time was all about. Each event, each moment and each season in our lives brings the puzzle into focus a little clearer.

God sees our whole lives from beginning to end because He is not bound by time. We see what we have already been through and what we are going through in the present, but we have no understanding of what lies ahead in our future. We live by faith that the God of the universe holds our lives in His hands.

“Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.” - 1 John 3:2. We don’t know the whole story of our lives. We do know that when He returns and we see Jesus, we will be like Him and all things in our lives will be made clear.

Have a great day and God bless.

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