Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Airport People

People. Everywhere. I spent most of my waking hours yesterday in an airport terminal. As I sat in the white rocking chair in the Charlotte airport, I watched people for hours. Some were just taking their time walking from one terminal to another and some looked like they were trying out for the Olympic track and field team. As I watched people, because of the multiple delays of my flight, I got to thinking about a song on the radio by Brandon Heath called “Give Me Your Eyes”.

There were big ones, and there were small ones. There were tall ones, and there were short ones. There were skinny ones, and there were not so skinny ones. There were old ones, and there were young ones. There were some that looked rich and some not-so-much. There were black ones, and there were white ones, and there were ones of every color in between. There were local ones, and there were out-of-town ones. But as I thought about it, they all had one thing in common.

God loves them and He knows each one of them even if they don’t know Him. He wants every single one of them, that fell into every one of those categories (even ones I didn’t mention), to know Him and be counted as one of His children. He longs for each one of them to coming to the saving knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ. It changes everything when we look at people like that.

The song goes:
“Looked down from a broken sky
Traced out by the city of lights
My world from a mile high
Best seat in the house tonight
Touch down on the cold black-top
Hold on for the sudden stop
Breathe in the familiar shock of confusion and chaos
All those people going somewhere, why have I never cared
Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see,
Everything that I keep missing,
Give your love for humanity.
Give me your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten.
Give me Your eyes so I can see.”

That song took on a whole new meaning to me today as I sat and watched. There is no possible way I could share Christ with all of them, but I can share Christ with the ones that He puts in my path. I can plant a seed or I can water a seed that has already been planted. Give me Your eyes Lord so I can see.

Have a great day and God bless.

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