Monday, November 11, 2019


Salesman. Within the first seventy-two hours of being in our brand new house, three security system salesmen rang our doorbell to try and sell us new home security systems.  The first one showed up while we were unpacking the moving truck, he came walking right down the driveway with his company literature. Another one rang the doorbell the following day and one more two days later. They must be in cahoots with either the real estate agents or the moving companies.

There’s nothing like moving into a new home and being pestered by salesmen trying to sell you something else after you just spent loads of money on a new house. I understand that they have to make a living and the best time to sell a security system is when someone first moves in, but they could at least give us a week or two!  I’m not a big fan of salesmen in the first place, whether it’s selling cars, furniture or Girl Scout Cookies (just kidding on the cookies). I always feel like I’m getting only one side of the story: the positive.

When we witness to others about Christ, do you think we come across as salesmen?  Are people turned off from Christianity because we can be too pushy or we “sell” them on only the positive things about a relationship with Christ?  Do we make it seem like all the troubles of the world will go away when they become Christians?  Nobody is going to “buy” that, they understand that life is still hard as a Christian. “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." - John 16:33.

Don’t “sell” Jesus, witness to people about how accepting Jesus as your Savior changed your life. Tell them who you were before Christ and who you are now with Him. Tell them that life isn’t always easy, even after becoming a Christian, but that you now have someone to turn to in times of trouble that understands. “For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.” - Hebrews 2:18. Tell them that your relationship with Christ is about eternal blessings and not earthly blessings. People are much more open about hearing your experiences than they are being “sold” something. No one can ever argue with what Christ has done for you.

Have a great day and God bless.

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